What are Custom Replicated URLs? #
This feature should be used by companies that would like their reps to be able to enter their own replicated website information to the Call To Action slides, without allowing them to edit the content in presentation.
This feature allows you to specify what the link structure is and what information you’d like your reps to enter when adding the presentation to their own Back Office. Our system automatically puts their answer into your presentation wherever you specify when building it.
For example, if sales reps have their own replicated landing page to send buyers to that tracks their commission on a sale, you can allow them to enter their information so call to action buttons send the viewer directly to their replicated website — WITHOUT HAVING TO EDIT THE PRESENTATION! Cool, we know.
You can:
1.) Have your reps enter their full referral URL
2.) Or, if you’d like to regulate which website they’re using, have them enter JUST their company username or ID then tell myiDecide the URL structure and where to insert their entry!
This base will cover how to enable Custom URLs , how to format your link for different scenarios, and how to use it throughout your presentation!
Enable Custom URLs #
Once you’ve purchased your myiDecide, you’ll come to the “PRESENTATION INFO” page. Here, once you’ve entered your info, you’ll scroll to the bottom of the page to find the Custom URL section.
If you want to add a Custom URL after you’ve already started editing your presentation, simply find your presentation in your Existing Presentations list, and click the “EDIT INFO” button next to the title. That will navigate you back to this page!
Click the blue check box to enable your Custom URL. You can enable up to 3 Custom URLs by clicking the blue check box for each field and fill out the information. The process will be the same for each one.
Setting Up The “ADD PRESENTATIONS” Pop-Up #
When you are setting up your link on the “PRESENTATION INFO” page, you are essentially designing the pop-up that your reps will see when they add your presentation to their account. ONLY the information your reps type will be saved to the myiDecide builder for you to reference throughout your presentation. You will need to type out your link structure again later in the editing process when setting up your Call to Action slides.
Once you’ve selected that you want to require a Custom URL in your presentation, you’ll need to enter your FIELD TITLE. This will be shown to the person who adds your presentation to their Back Office to describe the purpose of the field.
The person adding your presentation to their Back Office will be entering their custom info where “SENDER WILL TYPE HERE” is located in your prompt.
What You See:
What Your Rep Sees:
There are a few ways to create your Custom URL depending on how your original link is formatted and how you would like your team members to enter their own info when they add your presentation to their Back Office.
1.) Customization at the END of the URL
2.) Customization in the MIDDLE of the URL
3.) Customization at the BEGINNING of the URL
4.) Customize the ENTIRE URL
Customization at the end of URL: #
If your link requires the end to be replaced with each person’s custom info, then you will set your link up so the whole link, aside from the part that will be replaced, is in the first field on the left. This will allow the first part of the link to be fixed while the person adding your presentation to their Back Office only has to type in their custom detail. For this example, we’ll use idecide.com/username where username is being replaced with another user’s info.
This is what the link will look like when you create your presentation.

This is what it will look like when someone adds your presentation to their Back Office

Customization in the middle of URL: #
If your link requires any part of the middle to be replaced with each person’s custom info, then you will set your link up so everything before the part being replaced is in the first field and everything after is in the second field. For this example, we’ll use idecide.username.com where username is being replaced with another user’s info.
This is what the link will look like when you create your presentation.

This is what it will look like when someone adds your presentation to their Back Office

Customization at the beginning of URL: #
If your link requires the beginning to be replaced with each person’s custom info, then you will set your link up so everything after the part being replaced is in the righthand field. For this example, we’ll use username.idecide.com where username is being replaced with another user’s info.
This is what the link will look like when you create your presentation.

This is what it will look like when someone adds your presentation to their Back Office

Customize the entire URL: #
If you’d like each person to input their entire referral link when they add your presentation to their Back Office, then you will leave both sides blank. This will allow the user to input their entire custom link. For this example, your fields will be left blank when you create your presentation.
This is what the link will look like when you create your presentation.

This is what it will look like when someone adds your presentation to their Back Office

Adding Your Custom URL to the Presentation #
When your Custom URL is set up, you still have to indicate where you’d like your link to be utilized. myiDecide will save ONLY the information typed into the “sender will type here” box, and you can easily add it to Call to Action links by using the “Add Personalization” when editing your slide, then choosing the link you’d like to add.

Adding the field will ONLY add the custom info that your reps entered when adding your presentation to their account so you’ll need to type your link structure again and add [field-#] where the customization goes, just as you did when creating the pop-up. Whenever your team member adds your presentation to their Back Office, they will be asked to enter their information then our system will automatically add it anywhere you specified the field to go so viewers will be taken to their replicated website when they click the Get Started buttons.
Go ahead and publish your presentation under the review tab and send your iDecide ID to all your team members so they can start using your presentation too!
DO NOT stop here:

DO type out your full link with the Custom URL field: